Rehema Clarken

For more than a decade, I have been teaching English and living in China. During that time, I have prepared students to attend university in the Australia, Canada, the US and the UK. My former students have been admitted to Oxford, Princeton and Berkley and well as many other excellent schools around the world.

Most recently, I was the English Department Head at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University, where students study in the AP, IB, and A Level programs. I worked on the IGCSE course and conducted the exams. This experience gave me a better understanding of the differences in the education systems around the world and the special features of the IGCSE and A Level programs.

Without doubt, A Level is well-suited for Chinese students interested in studying abroad in university. Step-by-step it gives students the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Additionally, in this English program students will do exciting projects to further their language skills so that they are competitive when applying to universities abroad.

Finally, with a doctorate in English language learning in China from Michigan Technological University, I will incorporate the latest language learning methodology in the classroom to improve student performance. With dedication and persistence, all students will learn to English well enough to study in a top university abroad.


来此之前,我曾担任人大附中高中国际英语部的主管,主要负责学习AP、IB、A Level课程的学生。这使得我对世界上不同教育体系的区别以及IGCSE和A Level课程的特点有了更进一步的理解。

A Level课程对想要出国上大学的中国学生来说无疑是非常合适的。这套课程让学生循序渐进地掌握所需要的知识及技巧。此外,通过英语授课,学生还可以完成激动人心的项目,从而拓展提高语言技能水平,这使得他们在申请国外大学时相比他人更有竞争优势。
